Expert Guidance on

the 21st Century’s

Most Revolutionary Technology

Learn from the Insights of Ido Fishman and Go from Benefitting from Blockchain to Creating Your Own

Blockchain Solution

The blockchain technology is one of the most revolutionary technologies of the 21st century. You might argue against that statement, but you have to know that this technology is still in its infancy. In other words, whatever you know about the blockchain is still a very small part of what it is capable of doing in the future. The use of this technology became popular when Bitcoin came into being, courtesy Satoshi Nakamoto. The person/organization is still unknown to this day, but they have given the world a gift that has transformed the way transactions are recorded and stored in the world today.

The Basic Workings of the Blockchain

It’s a chain of blocks – literally. The idea is to store the transactions taking place on a particular network in the form of blocks that are always unique from each other but a verifying unit for each preceding block. It’s a distributed ledger that has been created for the purpose of recording transactions in a decentralized environment to take authority from a single entity and give it to every stakeholder who is a part of that particular blockchain. Here are the steps that every blockchain transaction completes before becoming a permanent part of the chain.

1. Someone performs a transaction on a particular blockchain network.

2. The information of the transaction is shared with every node on the network.

3. The nodes on the network start solving difficult puzzles to decide who will confirm the transaction.

4. The nodes will either use the proof of work or proof of stake model to reach a common consensus on the confirmation of the transaction.

5. One of the nodes successfully solves the equation and gets the right to verify that particular block with the information of that transaction.

6. This block is then added to the already created blocks and contains information of all of its preceding blocks.

7. The transaction is complete and the new chain on the block is accessible to everyone connected to that blockchain. The decentralized nature of the blockchain makes it an attractive new tech for most people doing online transactions every day.

You Can Start Your Own Blockchain Project

Don’t get the wrong impression that you can be a part of the blockchain by taking advantage of one of its applications. The truth of the matter is that you can start your own blockchain project as well. Cryptocurrencies are the best examples of projects that are started on the blockchain. The team of developers develops new currencies on the blockchain and asks for investments through ICOs i.e. initial coin offering.

“Don’t start a project unless you really feel the need to. If you are not solving a problem, you are better off keeping your hands away from executing the project at all. All blockchains solve a problem and that’s what they are trying to prove with their whitepapers” says Ido Fishman.

Use the Existing Blockchains to Create Your Own

According to Ido Fishman, you can create your own blockchain from the scratch but it will not be less than cutting a mountain in half with a knife. The best way to work on your own blockchain concept is to start by looking at other similar projects. You can then access the codes of those projects and start tweaking them unless you create the software, application, or solution that you have been trying to invent.

It is important to know that you still need a lot of coding knowledge even if you are using an existing blockchain. The process of using an existing blockchain code and tweaking it to create your own is called forking in the industry.

Let Motivation Be Your First Driver

You want to benefit from the blockchain or create your own to facilitate a certain process of your business, but you don’t know where to start. That’s where motivation comes in. If you have the motivation to do it, you will do it. At, we bring you the best tips, guides, and knowledge from Ido Fishman, who is known for creating a spark in people for the technology. With this insights and guidance, you can definitely set the foundation of your first blockchain project.

Applications of the Blockchain Technology

The use of the blockchain technology is still party unknown and will only be discovered with the passage of time. Here are some applications of the technology in the present.

Insurance Fintech

One of the biggest challenges for insurance companies is when the same person claims the insurance policy twice. With the blockchain, there is no way for a duplicate transaction to take place because every person connected to the blockchain will know the transaction history of that individual. Don’t let that intimidate you because the blockchain automates this process and there are no humans involved in looking into the history of your transactions.

Supply Chain Monitoring

One of the biggest challenges for insurance companies is when the same person claims the insurance policy twice. With the blockchain, there is no way for a duplicate transaction to take place because every person connected to the blockchain will know the transaction history of that individual. Don’t let that intimidate you because the blockchain automates this process and there are no humans involved in looking into the history of your transactions.

Medical Device Usage

Specialized connected medical equipment is the new technology in the medical industry and the blockchain could improve it further. With patient information available in the blockchain, these machines and tools could work on diagnosing and treating the patient without requiring the hospital or healthcare center to jump several hoops and loops before they reach the required patient data. shares the latest insights from Ido Fishman about the blockchain technology. This information is equally great for those who want to become a part of this tech and those who want to create their own blockchain. Keep visiting our website to know more about the blockchain.

Medical Device Usage

Specialized connected medical equipment is the new technology in the medical industry and the blockchain could improve it further. With patient information available in the blockchain, these machines and tools could work on diagnosing and treating the patient without requiring the hospital or healthcare center to jump several hoops and loops before they reach the required patient data. shares the latest insights from Ido Fishman about the blockchain technology. This information is equally great for those who want to become a part of this tech and those who want to create their own blockchain. Keep visiting our website to know more about the blockchain.